Gideon, the Guy? (Judges 6)

Gideon is a son of Joash from the tribe of Manasseh, one of Joseph’s two sons. He is beating the grain in a wine press, hiding his efforts from his enemy. It is here an angel appears to Gideon. He responds to the angel by asking why the Lord has forsaken the Midianites, his people.

This is a feeling many of us can resonate with. Whether in times of personal tragedy, financial ruin, torn apart families, a cancer diagnosis, or a desolation of one’s community or country. We sense the absence of His presence.

However, the great irony is that God has not forgotten or forsaken his people. In fact, he has come to save them and calls upon Gideon in this effort. Gideon says that he and his clan are not able. In reality, none of us who have been up for this task, but that’s the point. Only God is able.

The Midianites leave victorious because of their trust in the name of the Lord. In Gideon we can see that God meets us and can use us even when we don’t recognize his calling, when we feel the least qualified, when we’re uncertain despite his promises, when we’re fearful of others, and when we doubt his resources.


Follow Me (Mark 10:17-22)


Everything Under the Son (1 Samuel 16:1, 6-13)