Repurposed: Spending (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)

Most people, most of the time, whether they have little money or a lot of money are stressed about money. We don’t just spend a lot, we max out. The typical American spends ALL the money they make…on themselves.

Despite this universal experience, money still feels private. What we do with our money is our business. We can spend it how we want, when we want, where we want, on what we want. It’s mine.

But what if our money is not simply mine. What if God has given it to me, not to spend on myself, but to steward?

In this, our 5th sermon in the Repurposed series, we talk about spending less so we can give more.


Spiritual Rhythms: Summer (Revelation 22:1-5)


Seasons of Faith: Winter (Psalm 88)