When you go in for your annual check-up, your doctor will often ask your about your family's medical history going back three generations. The impact isn't just biological - our families impact us in more ways than we realize. How much do you know about your family tree?
On December 3rd right after our worship service, Gary Cushing, our resident expert in genealogical research, will lead us through a special SoulTraining workshop on some of the ways that "families matter." It will be part learning, part exploring, part sharing. We'll talk about the Biblical significance of genealogies and how choices have a ripple effect in subsequent generations. We'll also have a chance to consider how our own family trees have shaped and influenced us.
I'm really excited about this opportunity and hope you can join us for a 90-minute workshop at the church on Sunday, December 3rd, at 10:30am. For those with kids, we’ll have meaningful actives for children to hopefully free you up to attend.
Sign up here or use the button below.