Jubilee: A New Song (Luke 4:16-29)

One moment we’re “in tune”: flourishing, motivated, living in line with our priorities, eating well, sleeping well, working out….we sound good. Then, over time, we drift. We’ve got trips, summer camps, family events, sports, movies, concerts, beach days. We’ve got jobs and house projects and game nights and church gatherings.

Without us even realizing it, we start to produce sounds that do not sound good, and our internal disharmony seeps out…into the people around us, into our communities.

The good news is that God has stepped into the middle of our sloppy song in order to make us a symphony. Starting with Jesus, one person at a time, God is recalibrating the world, every groaning creature, to God’s intended purpose.


Jubilee: Privilege (Acts 6:1-7)


Five Daughters Speak Up (Numbers 21:1-11)