Jubilee: Privilege (Acts 6:1-7)

In Acts 6:1-7, Greek speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.

The apostles heard their grumbling, and they listened.

The situation shows us that while we all experience the groaning common to creation, we do not all experience it the same way. Some people, through no fault of their own, experience more suffering. And some people, through no merit of their own, experience more privilege. 

How we chose to use the privileges we have bears witness to our priorities and values. As Christians, we have the opportunity to use what we have so that others know God - God’s love, God’s generosity, God’s care. We’re not only responsible for ourselves, our kids, the people like us - we’re also responsible to care for the hungry, the foreigners, the sick, those in prison.


Jubilee: Knees Knocking (Exodus 1:6-22)


Jubilee: A New Song (Luke 4:16-29)